The next chapter in the Santa Rosa Fangs tale unfolds in Matt Costa's newest single, "Sharon". The track is the melodic story following the Sharon and her brothers' journey of self-discovery. Costa's weaves his experiences floating...
Billboard has premiered today "I Remember It Well," the first track off of Santa Rosa Fangs, the new album by critically acclaimed Califiornia-based singer/songwriter Matt Costa — his fifth full-length album (and first in five...
Dangerbird Records is pleased to announce “Arthur King Presents,” a new series of experimental music releases originally stemming from the psychedelic L.A. supergroup Arthur King & The Night Sea. Tapping into an extensive array of musicians, this...
The latest album from the Los Angeles-based psychedelic supergroup Unknown Movie Night: Pi is out today! Unknown Movie Night: Pi is the first musical offering from the ongoing series “Unknown Movie Night”: an evening where guests are invited...
Our very own Midwestern punk rapper does his rendition of The Pagans' "Dead End America" as his first release of 2018. The track is a B-side to Juiceboxxx's coming "Freaked Out American Loser" single. He...
'Show Me How You Want It To Be' is the latest addition to Slothrust's discography. The EP is a collection of unexpected and inventive takes on classics by icons as diverse as Al Green and Britney...
Slothrust are hosting a drawing contest to accompany the release of their next EP on Dangerbird Records, entitled Show Me How You Want It To Be, out on November 10th. The premise of this contest invites...
"Cassette Backs" is full of B-sides and demos, recorded on Butch's 4-track cassette recorder. The record, originally released in 2016 for Record Store Day, is now available for a limited time on yellow vinyl. Grab...
(unknown) Movie Night returns with Arthur King & The Night Sea scoring a film in real time that is unknown to both the band and the audience until show time. Previous movies featured include Wall-E, Planet...
Slow Mammal. Chemical Reaction. Blistering rock that shape-shifts and rises to every challenge. Slothrust, new transplants to the west coast, celebrate roots both old and new with the new EP, Show Me How You Want...
Following last year's successes of Everyone Else, Slothrust have premiered their cover of the 1997 Marcy Playground track "Sex and Candy" today on Stereogum. The song is the first of a six track EP, Show Me How You...
Today's the day. The new Juiceboxxx album "Freaked Out American Loser" is now available everywhere! Get the album now at your preferred digital retailer. Order it on CD or vinyl or pick it up at your local record shop. "Employing...